Second Day Curly Hair – Curly hair tutorial

In this blog, I go over my curly hair routine and provide a video for my curly hair tutorial for all my curly girls out there!

Let’s face it.  Curly girls wake up in the morning with crazy looking hair.  We sleep on it, smash it, probably drool a little on it.  It’s ok.   I got some solutions for you! In this written tutorial, I go over my curly hair routine. Also, I provide a video for my curly hair tutorial for all my curly girls out there!

There was such an overwhelming amount of you who really loved my CURLY HAIR DON’T CARE TUTORIAL! But you wanted to know how I style my hair second, third, or fourth day.  So, here are a few things I do in between my weekly washes. Followed up by a 60 second video of #3.  Which one I choose over the other really depends on my mood that day.

I lightly re-wet my hair during my morning shower.  Or you can always use a spray bottle with water; that works too.  This helps reshape my curls and reactivates my product that’s already in my hair.  Sometimes I use my fingers to comb through my hair on isolated curl patterns to reorganize my hair, especially around the hair line.  Using a leave-in conditioner like Kenra Curl Styling Conditioner is also a favorite product to use in my hands during this raking session.  I then let the curls air dry and it’s perfect for when I’m on the go.

I use a curl refreshing spray.  Kenra has a great one that I love to use.  It instantly rejuvenates my curls, removes frizz, and helps control my style so I can wear my curls just a few days longer.  The steps are similar to re-wetting my hair, but I use this method if my hair over all is looking pretty good on it’s own in the morning.

Throw some curls in it!  This is probably my favorite thing to do because for me, I hate the out of control baby curls I get around my hair line and I can create big or small curls if I want.  Using this method makes me feel like I have an actual curly style.   My favorite product is Kenra Thermal Styling Spray and my Enzo Milano wand.  I know I talk about it all the time, but it’s because it really is my favorite tool.  I love it because it doesn’t get crazy hot (better for my curls) and I love the irregular shapes and sizes you can purchase them in.  They really have a plethora of options.

One reader asked me about oily roots.  I personally don’t have that problem but I have used a dry shampoo here and there, I’m not gonna lie.  Once in a blue moon I will experience oily hair.  I love the Kenra Dry Volume Spray.  It instantly absorbs the oil and gives me a little boost right at the roots without making it feel gritty.  When I do use the dry volume shampoo, I use it first to work it in, then I use whatever method described in this post.

You will notice in this video I am really focusing on the top and sides, grabbing random sections to curl.  Please comment below if you have any questions or if you have a unique morning curl ritual that works for you.  I would love to know!

Hey, I'm Mirella

Hair Educator, Podcaster, YouTube Sensation, and Entrepreneur with over 20+ Years Experience

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