5 Marketing Mistakes You’re Making with Your Social Media Bio

social media marketing mistakes

In this podcast for hairstylists and small business owners, I show you how to write the best marketing social media bio to attract your dream clients!

Your bio is one of the most misused tools out there. It is a great way to simplify who you are and what you’re all about! First impressions are everything, and I’m going to share some mistakes people make for your marketing social media bio. Heck, I’ve even made some mistakes myself. And sometimes I need to check up on my own bio to make sure I’m giving the right message when you come to my feed.


I’m going to cover the five mistakes you’re making with your social media bio. Grab a pen and paper because you can start thinking and writing about how to create an impressive bio to encourage people to follow you.

Actually, let me correct myself. How to get people to buy from you because that’s the ultimate goal, right? We want them to become clients. I want them to become customers, or maybe you want to strike a brand deal. Whatever your goal is, I’m glad you’re here.

mirella Manelli headshot
Example of social media headshot

Mistake #1 – Not having a clear profile image or picture!

Think about it, people want to see you and what you look like! A lot of stylists have a head of hair as their picture. That’s not even theirs. You are in the service industry, and people want to see who is servicing them. There is a reason why real estate agents have their pictures on their cards and their flyers on everything. Think about that for a second. Your face sells. So why are you putting up pictures of the back of your client’s head on your tiny ID profile?

I would suggest a clear headshot of your beautiful face. So grab that selfie stick and start snapping. Now, if you have a salon or business page or a brand page, a simple logo, or a name of your business with your brand’s colors behind it, maybe, or your logo, whatever it will do, just fine.

Just no pictures of color, brushes, or scissors.

Mistake #2 – We are selling services, not supplies!

Remember we are selling our services, not hair supplies. You are speaking to your target audience more often than not.

I will see a hairstylist bio that has stuff like “mommy of two, married to the love of my life”. This is totally great, but your client wants to know what you specialize in and where you’re located, not who you’re married to.

If you were running a business, do you think that your potential hair client cares about how much you love your husband? People are more interested in knowing how you can help them versus who you are in your personal life.

So, leave that branded post that somehow maybe can be creatively put into your feed. But remember that your social bio only reflects your target audiences, goals, and desires. There’s always a creative way to add in those cute family pictures in the mix of your hair, client photos, totally doable.

pink Starbucks drink wit hair bnb podcast
Marketing tips for your Social Media Bio

Mistake #3 – Your Bio is way too long!

Keep it short and sweet! Have you heard of an ellipsis? It’s where Instagram says your bio is too long and it gives your bio a little …

But if you do have that in your bio, people are typically not going to tap on them to read the rest of your bio, because they’re lazy. So there are cases though, where sometimes you have to use all 150 characters, Instagram allows you. So keep the important stuff towards the top of your bio.

For example, I’m pretty sure mine has the ellipsis on it, but for a good reason, I have two brand sponsorships that require me to add them to my bio but to be honest, I keep those at the end and I make sure to convey my most important message to my followers towards the top of my feed, but at all costs, try to make it short and to the point with how your social profile and businesses are helping people.

Mistake #4 – Your bio is hard to read.

Stop using full sentences in your bio. Use a bullet point layout. Instead, you can even use cute little emojis to separate your info. This adds a little personality to your bio, making it easier for your potential client to read. It gets them straight to the point information they need to hit that follow button.

MacBook Air with Instagram page
Marketing tips for your Social Media Bio

Mistake #5 – You are not clear on who you are, and what do.

Your bio overall should speak to your potential client in a way that you have the solution to solve their hair problems. You want to be clear in who you are and what you do. Your bio is your first impression. So think of all the things that your potential client needs and wants from you.

My Mini Course

If you need a little help on how to write the perfect bio, I actually created a mini-course that you can get today for only $5.


You can put in the code of five mistakes and you’ll just get it for five bucks. So how to write the perfect social media bio for hairstylists, with simple tips to encourage people to hit the follow button.

It includes a guide on how to write the perfect bio. So you can properly market yourself when people land onto your feed and it comes with a downloadable social media workbook. So you can fill it out as I guide you and you can keep those notes so you can revisit them. And again, you can readjust your bio as your business grows.

If you made it this far, use discount code 5MISTAKES before you purchase!

The perfect social media bio



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I am so excited to share with you a ONE OF A-KIND online hair education course that will teach you EVERYTHING you need to know about upstyling. Coming late August 2021, Learn How to Upstyle in 7 Days!